Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Welcome Surfers!

Warm welcome to the blog surfers of

It's been quiet here at the Shrink's, so hopefully you guys are a dysfunctional bunch with lots of issues that need resolving. ("Why, oh why, do the number of comments on my blog directly correspond to my level of self esteem?").

For those who misread this post, I was referring to the general blogger self-esteem issue, not my personal one! It was a comic reference to a possible psychological problem that might need to be resolved. Don't you hate it when you have to explain a joke?


Simply Bananas said...

hope this raises your self esteem a bit

Gregory Stewart said...


at least you one comment.


Panthergirl said...

LOL.... I think me post went over some heads. Oh well!! ;)

Anonymous said...

lol...i wil comment 100 times on ur blog if u wanna ! :)
..abhatnagar19 from blogexplosion !

(S)wine said...

oh man
i hate it
when i have to explain myself
in general.
i stopped making jokes.
they always somehow
led me to being locked up
by men in white coats.